USES: Can Clean and promote adhesion to provide a one-step-in-place surface that is also relatively clean without wax, grease, oil, and loose particles. Surfaces must be clean, dry, free of wax, oil, grease and loose particles. The base material must be uniform. For contaminated surfaces, ISOPROPANOL and water must be washed with a suitable detergent and/or 50/50 mixture.
Note : Depending on temperature and humidity, the drying and Reaction Times of 3m adhesion promoter 111 can vary. The typical drying time is 1-2 minutes. Forced hot air drying of 3M adhesion promoter 111 is acceptable, but remember that 3m adhesion promoter 111 is flammable and no open flame or ignition source shall be used nearby. Not Volatile, with a soft cloth to wipe in the substrate, or with a soft brush fine hair coating. Excessive 3M adhesion promoter 111 may cause a dull white appearance on the surface. Note: Chemical Reaction will occur with plastic, plastic containers can not be used.